Policy for Equality


Adentis currently has over 250 employees. Taking into account this growth, we understand the need to adopt a socially responsible stance in everything that involves us. In this sense, we have created a Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Plan in which we commit to contribute to the construction of a fairer, more balanced, and more sustainable world.

In order to conduct a comprehensive and accurate assessment regarding Equality at Adentis, we have considered the guidelines and best practices of:

• Guidelines for the development of equality plans, published by CITE;

• Internal platform for managing objectives, goals, and actions associated with SDGs 5 and 10;

• Ongoing evaluation of objectives and defined measures to ensure they are as relevant as possible to the current reality.


The values of equality, diversity, and inclusion have always been ingrained in the essence of Adentis. As time has progressed, we have elevated this issue to one of our priorities within the realm of Social and Corporate Responsibility, as well as among the leadership of various sectors and departments.

Adentis has launched the Empower Voices program. Focused on diversity, equality, and inclusion, it aligns with the targets set by Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities). In this regard, the company began with a diagnostic assessment to understand which existing actions and measures should be retained, along with an evaluation of the current company situation to determine appropriate measures to implement. Specific objectives were set, each with associated measures (some already implemented, others in progress, and others to be implemented).

Therefore, this equality plan aims to ensure the implementation and promotion of best practices, as well as publicly asserting Adentis' commitment to the topic, while continuously monitoring and improving the set objectives and outcomes. These values are evident both in the Code of Conduct and in the company's internal policy, and this plan should be read in accordance with them.


I. Recruitment and Hiring

Promoting equality starts from the moment of recruitment. At Adentis, we ensure a fair process for all candidates through various points.

  • All recruitment advertisements are inclusive, clearly stating Adentis' commitment that the sole recruitment criteria will be each person's capability and adaptability for the specific position.
  • The entire recruitment process is conducted with respect for each individual's personal characteristics, ensuring that none of these factors influence the process.

II. Work-Life Balance

Adentis promotes a balance between work and the personal life of each employee in various ways:

  • In terms of vacation scheduling, the process is unilateral based on the interests and needs of the employee, without compromising the team's work and in agreement with their hierarchical superior.
  • Employee schedules are flexible, allowing work to be accommodated according to individual needs, always without jeopardizing the work to be done and in agreement with the hierarchical superior.
  • The work model is hybrid, always in agreement with the hierarchical superior.
  • Some events/trainings at Adentis are open to family members, aiming to involve everyone within the company's scope.
  • Employees have the possibility to accompany their child on the first day of school (up to 12th grade) if aligned and approved by the hierarchical superior.
  • Provision of a maternity/paternity kit to encourage employees to experience parenthood with freedom.


III. Training and Recognition

- Ensure and establish procedures where employee promotion is based on their skills.
- Implement ways of working that ensure everyone is encouraged to develop their potential and use their talents.
- Ensure that everyone feels respected and capable of giving their best.
- Ensure that training, development, and progression opportunities are available to all.

IV. Awareness and Participation

- Internal and external communications that reinforce Adentis' commitment to the subject and shed light on the company's reality.
- Offering specific training on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion to work towards a bias-free and discrimination-free environment.
- Promoting employee engagement in the implementation of this policy through internal and external initiatives.
- Internal lectures on related topics where employees are invited to be speakers.
- Establishment of internal discussion groups where, every three months, employees discuss different themes within diversity, equality, and inclusion.

V. Non-Discrimination Assurance

- Existence of codes of conduct and policies that condemn instances of moral and/or sexual harassment, along with guidance on how to handle such situations.
- Promotion of an internal culture where individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued, enabling fair participation in their work and respective activities.
- Advocacy for a work environment built on mutual respect and free from intimidation, harassment, victimization, and discrimination, establishing effective mechanisms to address reports involving discriminatory practices in general.
- Provision for anonymous reporting of irregularities, allowing employees to report specific situations.
- Regular review of practices and processes to ensure compliance with this policy as needed.


VI. External Commitments and Partnerships

To achieve the goals it sets out, Adentis also focuses on forming partnerships that aid in realizing its ideas and advocating its ideals.

- Engineers for a Day: promotes the involvement of women in ICT through awareness campaigns, workshops, mentoring, etc.
- Signing of the Portuguese Diversity Charter: a European Union initiative that encourages companies to commit to the topic.
- Charter of the alliance for gender equality in ICT: reinforces the commitment to cooperation in promoting the fight against gender segregation in educational choices and professions.